Primary Genre: Self improvement (Non-fiction)
Word Count: 61,221
Description and Details:
On the edge of order and chaos, exists a developmental framework of human transcendence.
The Complexity of Success: Your Journey to Exceptionalism is a 61,000-word self-help book based on complexity science and holistic development. Beyond my personal experience of developing and utilizing the attributes of the Complexity of Success, I have used this framework to achieve personal success and promote this impactful ideology at three prestigious private schools. I now want to spread awareness beyond my restricted capacity to help others navigate a world in decay, including the recent decline in intellectual capacity, emotional stability, ethical standards, social skills, and physical health. I look forward to making this book available to those longing to make lasting and meaningful changes.
As a new author, I would love to receive general feedback on the concepts, writing style, and flow.
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