Convert your writing to audio to listen and comment on the go

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Make edits on the go

No time to edit? No problem. Take a jog, run errands, or do laundry while you listen to your draft. Tap, type, or speak comments that sync to a Word doc so you can address them later.

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Catch More Errors

Listening out loud offers a new perspective to help you catch grammar errors, poor sentence structure, plot holes, or pacing issues that your eyes skip over when you read.

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Get more beta readers

Let beta readers lounge in their back yard while they listen and speak comments that will appear for you in a Word document. You can even find beta readers in our beta community.

What Edit Out Loud Users are Saying

"Upload your document, go for a walk and listen as you stroll. You can flag your changes and then edit later."


"I was able to multi-task, doing all that boring stuff like laundry, dishes, etc., while powering through 160 pages in less than a day."

~Beta Reader

A mobile app to make editing fast and simple

You can upload your novel to this simple mobile app and listen from your smartphone in the car, on the metro, while jogging, or anywhere. Just tap if you notice something you want to change. We'll add a note to your source document so you can fix it later.

Phone edits detail
Phone beta

Securely share audio or text with beta readers

Find beta readers in our beta community
Post summaries and word counts in our beta community so beta readers can browse and request access to beta read or exchange feedback.

Make it easy for beta readers to experience your novel
Give beta readers audio and text versions of your draft so they can listen and give you feedback from anywhere.

Make sharing your work secure
Beta readers cannot download or copy text out of your novel, so you're protected from unauthorized sharing.

Find Beta Readers in Our Community